Sunday, May 31, 2020

Stay At Home

Its been two months of quarantine, yup the supposed to be one month ECQ has been extended. I've never imagined that I can stay at home for this long. So how are guys you coping up? hope you are all doing fine.
As for me, the things that keeping me sane so far as are follows:

1) Netflix - now that my time has been maximize, it's my chance to binge watch some series, movies and particularly kdramas that I like. It keeps me entertained and divert my attention from overthinking. 

2) Listening to music and podcasts while I'm working at home or while doing some house chores helps to condition and uplift my mood.

3) Talking with my friends through social media than usual- aside from my family, conversing with my friends eases the worries about whats happening right now. If you're a close friend of mine, obviously you know that before, I'm not used to talking over video calls or answering phone calls even if it's important but because of this quarantine, surprisingly, I learned how to, finally! 😁

4) Writing - expressing your thoughts through jotting down can somehow declutter our minds.

5) Reading some inspirational quotes from time to time can be a source of having positive outlook in life.

6) Hibernating - toxicity can come from social media, work, even from a person or even from your own thoughts. Believe me there are days when I feel like that I'm so close to loosing my sanity and whenever that happens I tend to hibernate. I'm calling it hibernating because basically I shut every one out. No social media, no talking to friends. Alone time. Me Time. It recharges you from all the negativity that you accumulated over time. Its like a restart button, actually. A day, off from the world will give you a fresh start and a clean slate after. 

And lastly, pray that may he always guide us during this trying times and may this pandemic end, soon.
Keep safe everyone! 💖

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Magiging ok din ang lahat sana ikaw din 😁🤗
Ingat palagi huwag lalabas ahhh 😁