Sunday, July 12, 2020

Out and About.

Oh, hello outside world! we meet again. My first attempt to went out was a success.
 Still scary though, so we still need to take precautionary measures, such as carrying alcohol/sanitizer, gloves would be better and of course always wear your mask. Please don't judge, I know its really important to stay at home at this moment, but hey! girls gotta do what she's got to do.
 So I decided to go to the mall yesterday to run some errands like paying my bills and do some grocery shopping.

The "new normal" experience was quite smooth actually, I like how people are practicing social distancing. I got there around 11:30 am, first you need to fall in line before entering the premises. Then at the entrance you shall present your quarantine pass then the guard will give you a piece of paper where there is until what time you can roam around inside is written. If I'm not mistaken, the allotted time per person is one and half  hour. Which get me a little bit anxious because I'm not used to shop with a time limit plus i tend to be distracted whenever some things caught my attention. 

So, I suggest before you go make sure that you listed all the things you need to buy or as much as possible make an itinerary. Which exactly what I did. Though, I extended a bit for another hour cause the line in the payment for the grocery is quite long. I don't know how they monitor the "time limit" thing, because no one bothers to call me out, but I guess that's where your self discipline comes in. When i got home I make sure to disinfect the things that i bought and I also take a warm bath just to make sure that I won't spread the virus all over the house in case i carried it along.

 But still, please be reminded to stay at home as much as possible and don't go outside unless its necessary. Again, keep safe always. 💋

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