Saturday, June 27, 2020

The one who should have been ENDGAME.

I don't understand why most of the fans hatin when "Rachel & Joey" happened, but whatevaaah, i'll always ship these two. Joey's feelings towards Rachel was remarkably genuine and selfless. You can obviously tell that his deeply in love with her, plus he treats her well, unlike Ross who is always toxic to her, inconsistent and always causing all the drama. 👎

Seeing this fan made edit breaks my heart. Joey deserves all the love in the world. If only the writers continued their story, i wanna see Joey's character transition from being a ladies man into being in a mature and steady relationship with Rachel. What an iconic couple it would be. So sad that they didn't end up together, they should have been endgame. BUMMER! 💔 

and yes, I'm still F.R.I.E.N.D.S hangover!!!

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